System Neutral: Star Wars Force and Destiny

System Neutral is a project where we talk to GMs and players of other APs about our favorite game systems to discuss what we like, love, and could do without. 

We’re joined on this episode by Angela from Fandible, and GM of SoloShot! We talk about Fantasy Flight’s (now discontinued) Force and Destiny system. We recorded this in November of 2019, so please ignore anything we say about buying the system, or lack of discussion of Rise of Starwalker. 

Beauty Flow by Kevin MacLeod

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System Neutral: Numenera with Kyle Decker

For episode 300 (!) we’re releasing a new project we’ve been working on, called System Neutral. For this project we’ve talked to GMs and players of other APs about our favorite game systems to talk about what we like, love, and could do without. 

We’re joined on this episode by Kyle from Quest Friends!, a Numenera Actual Play Podcast with friendship, family, and world-ending spiders. 

Beauty Flow by Kevin MacLeod

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