This year at GenCon, Megan and Aser were on a panel about creating your own AP podcast! All of our advice was recorded for posterity, and you can hear all of our advice here. If you are interested in putting your toe in the water of podcasting, join our Discord for more information about the Community Feed TRF is working on beginning where we will host your recorded games!
Actual play podcasts, collectively the winner of the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming 2018, have taken the RPG world by storm. And with their relatively low barrier to entry, they’re a popular way for gamers to share their stories with the world. In this panel, Rhi (The Magpies Podcast), Paulomi (Iron Hides), Megan T. (The Amber Clave), Aser (The Redacted Files), and Megan S. (Tabletop Potluck) will cover topics ranging from technical skills, narrative planning, podcast management, hidden costs, and both challenges and rewards of running your own show.
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