Numenera: Microfugue State

A team is hired for an unusual excursion to cure a strange infection.

GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Landan, and Shaunna
System: Numenera Discovery

If you want to hear more Numenera on The Amber Clave, check us out on Twitter @amberclave or go to our website.

Special thanks to our Agent+ patrons: Ben, Bernie, Chris, Denise, Eric, Fandible, John D, John M, Jonn, Nyssa, Patrick, Slacker Initiative, Strnad, Stuart, Terryann, TheBookThief, and Tom.

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Decisions.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 

Want to hear more from us? Check out our other shows!
The Amber Clave– a Numenera Actual Play Podcast
Gold Wings, Black Skies– a streamed Tachyon Squadron show
Firefly Podcast – a Firefly AP podcast
Deniable Operations – a community content feed

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What’s Cool on Kickstarter: Numenera 2

I try to love all of the kickstarter projects I fund equally, but nothing is like a new release by Monte Cook Games. Numenera 2 is an expansion to my personal favorite RPG that enhances character creation and adds a means for your players to build a better future. Discovery and Destiny are looking like two beautiful books and a great continuation of the system. However, it’s not a second edition. Numenera: Discovery will replace the Numenera Corebook moving forward, but pretty much everything that’s been published will be 100% compatible. If you have a player at your table who only wants to use the original corebook for character creation, and one who only wants to use Numenera: Discovery, that’s ok! All of the supplemental books will be compatible, though both Character Options books will be retired to make room for all of the updates to character creation in Numenera 2.

I’m incredibly excited for this campaign. Not only will we get more then our value from pledging, the whole campaign is interactive in building a town as a community, and that community will become part of the Numenera 2 release in the Trilling Shard supplement. So if you want to be part of the Ninth World you should jump on board!

They’ve already reached their funding goal, and first stretch goal of Building Tomorrow, a supplement that will give you even more options for crafting materials, NPCs, and communities. The next goal is for an all new Player’s Guide, and then who knows! But I’m sure it will be wonderful.

The kickstarter is running until October 27, so head over and pledge now!

Numenera 2 Announcement from Monte Cook Games

Today at GenCon Monte Cook Games announced their next major product release, Numenera 2. Numenera 2 is composed of two new books, Discovery and Destiny. Discovery will be replacing the original corebook with some major changes to the character creation options. Destiny changes the focus of the game from exploring the past to building a better future. The books will be both backwards and forwards compatible with all existing Numenera releases, with the likely exception of the two Character Options books.

Continue reading Numenera 2 Announcement from Monte Cook Games