There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.
The Ninth World: A Skillbuilding Game
Numenera is one of my favorite games to run and to play, and now there’s a card game to go along with it. Made by Lone Shark Games, The Ninth World is a skill building game set in the world of Numenera. It looks like a ton of fun, and a great new way to explore one of my favorite places.
“The Ninth World is a competitive card game for 2 to 5 players, designed by Paul Peterson, Boyan Radakovich, and me, with graphics by Shane Tyree and the artists of Numenera. The team at Monte Cook Games is also deeply involved in making this game what it is today.
Our game is set in the Numenera universe, where heroes explore the nine kingdoms of The Steadfast, each a very different place to adventure. They discover strange relics of the past, trying to discern which are powerful cyphers and which are just weird oddities. And they fight creatures of all shapes, sizes, and limb arrangements. Outside of the Steadfast is The Beyond, a wild and remote realm. And there are even places beyond The Beyond, awaiting your discovery.”