Unraveling of the Ninth World Episode 2: Hell is Other People

Upon learning about the menu at No Hope, our three “heroes” resolve to find a way out of Hell as soon as possible. Visit @1TweetNumenera on Twitter.


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Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 6: Return to Uxphan

Terror Bird

“Mourning” the loss of a friend, the party in the company of a new ally attempt to retrace their steps and discover the location of the Impossible Blade. Along the way, Titania and Ilvaria invest in potential pets/breakfast.

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Unraveling the Ninth World Episode 1: Go directly to Hell; do not pass Go

Three criminals are thrown into Hell as a punishment for their crimes. Will they be able to push past their selfish desires to work together and escape this prison? Or will they be stuck in Hell forever?

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Mysteries of the Ninth World 5: Climb to Ignominy

Warrior Host
Warrior Host from The Devil’s Spine

The party says some goodbyes as they make their way to top of the tower to destroy the Insidious Choir.

This campaign and the images are from The Devil’s Spine, written by Monte Cook. We use the Numenera campaign book and expansions, all available at http://www.montecookgames.com/shop/

NUMENERA and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Printed in Canada.

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Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 4: A Walk to Forget

After meeting some new allies and making a new enemy, the adventurers make their way to the tower.

Tower of the Insidious Choir

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The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard, part 2 (it’s still October 6th somewhere)

Three agents of The Estate are tasked with an easy assignment, to watch over a recursion miner. Yet things are more complicated then they appear and as they begin to investigate they are sucked into a greater mystery. 

THE STRANGE and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Printed in Canada.
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Continue reading The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard, part 2 (it’s still October 6th somewhere)

The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard, part 1

Three agents of The Estate are tasked with an easy assignment, to watch over a recursion miner. Yet things are more complicated then they appear and as they begin to investigate they are sucked into a greater mystery. 

THE STRANGE and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Printed in Canada.

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Continue reading The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard, part 1

Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 3: What’s a little mutation between friends?

Screaming Statues

Our “brave heroes” embark on a journey to destroy the insidious choir. Along the way they stand on unsturdy surfaces and poke things they shouldn’t. Fun is had by all. Bring your rope, you’ll need it.

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Continue reading Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 3: What’s a little mutation between friends?

#RPGaDay Day 31: Favorite RPG of all time

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 31, our question is what is your favorite RPG of all time?

Aser – The game I seem to end up talking about most with people is Call of Cthulhu. It’s such an enduring game that doesn’t seem to have changed all that much over the years: though I guess that’s about to change. Like I said earlier, the way in which it handles skill progression is really neat and so many great settings have been created for it.

John – If I could only play one game for the rest of my life, prob Call of Cthulhu, I think because of my love for the source material, solid system, and I have read and reread 4th ed. since. high school, and because it’s timeless. We strive to ‘cram Cthulhu’ into everything… Roll SAN!

Landan – Currently Pathfinder but that could change at some point.

Megan – Numenera!

Shaunna – I don’t think I can pick just one at this point!

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay Day 30: Rarest RPG Owned

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 30, our question is what is the rarest RPG you own?

Aser – No rare games to speak of: everything’s electronic.

John – Spooks! Welcome to the Great Beyond… Just came out in print and I backed Kickstarter. Huge gorgeous book where you are undead in the afterlife, can be silly, fantasy, or horror genre (they are Lovecraft fans…)
Hopefully we will try a game on the podcast?

Landan – I don’t think I own any rare books except may the Saga Ed. Star Wars books.

Megan – Does Paranoia count? I have the PDFs.

Shaunna – Eh? Well, my boyfriend owns a ton of RPGs…so…I guess I’ll post a picture of his library and just let that be my answer for this one. Although I HAVEN’T gotten my hands on the original Deities & Demigods yet, and have been trying for two Christmases….

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