We try the new game system Forthright in a special episode GM-ed by the game designer, Bryan Shipp. The investigators travel further into the house in order to discover a way out. Unfortunately, things only get stranger and deadlier as they proceed.
This game module, Home of Lost Hope, is available now on DriveThruRPG! The game system is also available, and we highly recommend checking it out!
GM: Bryan
Players: Aser, Jonn, Megan, Mike D.
System: Forthright Open Roleplay
We’ve launched a new podcast! The Amber Clave is our new show that will release biweekly and be 100% Numenera! Join Megan, Aser, Landan, and Shaunna as we venture back into the Ninth World.
Intro & Outro Music:
Port_City_Music_-_29_-_Night_Terrors from ‘Silber Sounds of Halloween’
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