Canadians and Feelings: A Canadian Thanksgiving Special

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends in Canada! 

Get your Canadian whisky ready for this largely ill-informed love letter to our friends north of the longest unguarded border in the world. Though after this comes out, they might want to change their minds…

GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Matt, Freedom Mike, Maple Mike, and Nyssa. 
System: Lasers and Feelings

Special thanks to our Agent+ patrons: Ben, Bernie, Chris, Denise, Eric, Fandible, John, Jonn, LordTentacle, Nyssa, Patrick, Slacker Initiative, Stuart, Terryann, and Tom.

Music by the United States Navy Band, “O Canada” (Wikimedia)
For more information visit The Redacted Files. To help support us, check out our Patreon. You can also find us on Discord!

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Humbugs and Cheer: The War on Christmas

An ornament with Santa in a captain's outfit behind the wheel of a ship

Merry Christmas! In our holiday special we put a holiday spin on Lasers and Feelings and go to work to save Christmas from an unknown threat. Will Captain Santa wake up again? Will the crew ever figure out who acting Captain is? Will our holiday be jolly? Listen now to find out.

Featuring Aser, Jonn, Landan, Megan and Patrick. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Jingle Bells” and “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies.”

Direct Download!

Have a very Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts, and we can’t wait to see you in the New Year!

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