Curse of the Masked Jackal 12: Bad Decisions

In order to prepare for the unthinkable, one of the crew makes a deal with the devil, or the nearest available local equivalent.

GM: Patrick
Players: Aser, Landan, Jonn, Megan.
System: 7th Sea 1e

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Intended Force.” (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Curse of the Masked Jackal 11: All Things Abominable

A former enemy has joined the party of adventurers, while a former friend has turned rotten.

GM: Patrick
Players: Aser, Landan, Jonn, Megan.
System: 7th Sea 1e

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Intended Force.” (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Wilhelm Scream from

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November Schedule

Here is our schedule for the month of November!

November 4, 2018Curse of the Masked Jackal 11: All things abominable
Our crew learns more about their predecessors and the nature of the world they’ve stepped into.

November 11, 2018 – Curse of the Masked Jackal 12: Bad Decisions
In order to prepare for the unthinkable, one of the crew makes a deal with the devil, or the nearest available local equivalent.

November 18, 2018Curse of the Masked Jackal 13: What’s a Voltron?
The crew’s final battle against an enemy they can’t even comprehend.

November 22, 2018A Very Klingon Thanksgiving
The TRF crew celebrates Thanksgiving in Star Trek

November 25, 2018Numenera: Ashes of the Sea
While exploring an old ruin, a group of adventurers find themselves trapped in a new and unknown area.

Fear Itself: The Seventh Circle pt 2

Happy Halloween!! We hope you have the very spookiest of holidays.

As the crew of The Other Side explores the Glaas house, they find that evil things lurk in the dark, and inside themselves.

GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Brian, and Jonn.
System: Fate Core

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Classic Horror 2.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Fear Itself: The Seventh Circle pt 1

The crew of the Other Side gets the chance to film at the mysterious Glaas house seven years after the architect and owner disappeared. Unfortunately their investigation uncovers that the supernatural is frighteningly real.

GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Brian, Jonn, and Nathan.
System: Gumshoe (Fear Itself)

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Classic Horror 2.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Mission: Accomplished!

After the mission is finished and the reports have been filed, three agents meet with Mission Control to fight for a promotion. People are (literally) thrown under the bus as each agent tries to show that they truly are the best at what they do.

This game is currently on Kickstarter and completely funded! Please check it out, this game was a joy to play and we can’t wait to get our greedy hands on a copy of our very own.

You can also find Jeff on Party of One Podcast, a show focused on two player games!

GM: Jeff Stormer
Players: Aser, Megan, and Mike.
System: Mission: Accomplished!

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Hot Pursuit.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Interview with Taylor about 13 Demon Princes

We had the chance to chat with Taylor LaBresh about 13 Demon Princes, a LARP/RPG about Hell’s favorite dating game show. Please check out the kickstarter, and don’t forget to tweet for your chance to win an exclusive copy of the game before it ends on October 19th!
You can find Taylor in a huge number of places, including Riverhouse Games, Descent Into Midnight, and Itch
Also be sure to check out the other Kickstarters Taylor mentioned: 

Outro Music:
Port_City_Music_-_29_-_Night_Terrors from ‘Silber Sounds of Halloween’

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Herald: Fistful of Dholes pt 2

Having discovered that they might be the real monsters, with the possible exception of the other actual monsters, our heroes must find someone who knows what they’re talking about to come up with a new plan for stopping the mysterious killings.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Matt, and Mike.
System: Herald: Lovecraft and Tesla (Savage Worlds)
Thanks to Ravendesk Games for providing us with this scenario and rulebook to play!
Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Hot Swing.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Interview with Phil Vecchione about Hydro Hackers

We sat down with Phil Vecchione from Encoded Designs and Misdirected Mark to talk about his new PbtA game, Hydro Hacker Operatives. In this hydropunk game, you work to build your neighborhood and steal water to make sure everyone has what they need to survive. You can get the Ashcan version on DriveThruRPG now, and look for the kickstarter in 2019!

Other links from the show:
Official Authority Twitter Account
Local 666 Twitter Account

Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Urban Gauntlet.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Herald: Fistful of Dholes pt 1

In this pulpy take on Cthulhu, three unlikely heroes take on a job from J. Edgar Hoover involving some mysterious deaths at the waterfront.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser, Matt, and Mike.
System: Herald: Lovecraft and Tesla (Savage Worlds)
Thanks to Ravendesk Games for providing us with this scenario and rulebook to play!
Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Hot Swing.” ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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