#RPGaDay2015 4: Most Surprising Game

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay2015!

For August 4, What is the most surprising game?
Aser: Pathfinder: I may or may not have been dragged into playing A Rune Awakening, but I have to say, I’ve come to look forward to our Tuesday night sessions of Pathfinder as much as if not occasionally more than our other recurring games. There’s just something fun about watching those numbers go up: it’s really quite fascinating.
Chuck: Fate Accelerated, so simple and a fun system for supers play.
John: D&D 5th edition! It’s so fresh, streamlined, close to BECMI and fun!
Jonn: D&D 5e. After taking part in the playtest all the way through and seeing the changes that were made towards the end, I was convinced I was going to be very disappointed. A few of my favorite things were missing like were intentionally exclude warlord class and the seemingly unpopular goliath. What was include was great. I was really happy with the result of the fighter; disappointed by how they worded the bard inspiration to prevent it from interacting with combat expertise; and pleasantly surprised by the page 121.
Landan: I think Numenera since it is relatively easy to learn only has a few mechanics I constantly seem fuzzy on.
Matt: Fear Itself, I wasn’t totally sold on the Gumshoe system, but I had a really fun time playing this.
Megan: I think in general the small, indie games have been the most surprising for how much I enjoy them. It seems like everyone should be enjoyng them. This last year we’ve played Final Girl, Lovecraftian Shorts, Protocol, and Mars Colony have all been a great deal of fun to try out.
Patrick: Exalted, didn’t think I’d like it as much as I did.
Rob: Fiasco

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 3: Favorite Game of the last 12 months

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay2015!

For August 3, What is your favorite new game of the last 12 months?
Aser: Night’s Black Agents: We’ve tried a lot of games this last year and what a number of great ones had in common was the Gumshoe Engine from Pelgrane Press. I point to Night’s Black Agents in particular because of its unique setting and the fact that I’ve had the opportunity to run it for a number of great players. This blend of modern espionage and vampiric horror takes the investigation-based narrative of its predecessors and gives it a techno-thriller shot in the arm that makes every session an absolute blast.
Chuck: The Cypher System Core.
John: The Strange.
Jonn: Firefly Roleplaying
Landan: My friend’s homebrew Pathfinder campaign. I know Pathfinder itself isn’t new but his world is rather unique that he created so I am sticking to my answer.
Megan: The Strange is the game that came out in the last year that I have played and enjoyed the most. I love the recursions and options that come with it. Plus Worlds Numberless and Strange is a fantastic supplement that just came out with so many more recursions to play with.
Patrick: I’d say Iron Kingdoms, but that’s been a bit longer then 12.
Rob: Firefly

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 2: Kickstarted game that pleased you the most

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay2015!

For August 2, What is the kickstarted game that pleased you the most?
Aser: Horrors of War. I’m so very happy that it will be coming in PDF format: so happy in fact that I’m happy to endure the delays.
Chuck: The Strange, a gift that keeps giving.
John: FAITH: The Sci Fi RPG. Love that art!
Landan: I missed the original Kickstarter but I jumped on the Deluxe Boxed Set for Numenera. I haven’t gotten my Reliquary boxed yet so hopefully soon since I have seen some amazing images on twitter of people receiving theirs.
Megan: This is hard because I kickstart so many things, there are literally over 25 things for me to choose from. I think I will go with the Exclusive Numenera Boxed set though. And that’s mostly because it was something that fed into a game I already have a lot of love for. The boxes themselves are gorgeous, and then they’re filled with some many books and goodies that are going to be a pleasure to use. I plan on using my new Numenera dice exclusively for my Numenera games, and I really want to put the cloth map up on my wall

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

Unraveling of the Ninth World 3: What Harm Could it Do?

We finally reach the end of the criminals journey to the center of Hell, and they fight tooth and claw to make it out again.

Featuring Aser, John, Megan, and Shaunna. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Decisions”

Direct Download!

Continue reading Unraveling of the Ninth World 3: What Harm Could it Do?

#RPGaDay2015 1: Forthcoming game you’re most looking forward to

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay2015!

For August 1, What is the forthcoming game you’re most looking forward to?

Aser: I’m most looking forward to two very collaborative games on the grittier side of their genres. Blades in the Dark is an industrial fantasy game where your party take on the roles of a street gang trying to make a name for itself, while Scavengers is another team-based outing where you head up a crew of scrappers trying to make a living in the cold void. Both games place emphasis on teamwork and speed of play, so I’m anxious to see how much they can deliver on their promise. As a bonus, Blades was built from the ground up to be endlessly hackable, so we’ll have to see what TRF can do when we get our grubby little hands on it.
Chuck: No Thank You Evil. It is odd that I don’t have kids but I am looking forward to this game.
John: Burning Games’ FAITH: The Sci Fi RPG, and my hardcover Call of Cthulhu 7th ed book…
Jonn: Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
Landan: I think it would be my friend’s original campaign he is doing using the Pathfinder rules. We are playing Gestalt style characters so it is pretty crazy but his setting is really cool.
Megan: The Horrors of War set of adventures for Call of Cthluhu by Adam Scott Glancy and John H. Crowe that was funded through Kickstarter! This set of adventures is set in WWI and I can’t wait to play/run them.
Patrick: The Witcher RPG. If there is as much story in the fluff for the Table Top version as the PC game, then I’ll be hooked for some time.
Rob: Anything Firefly RPG

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

Fear Itself: Invasive Procedures pt. 2


As the horror becomes pervasive, the patients try to band together to escape from the monsters in the dark.
Featuring Aser, John, Matt, Megan, Mike, and Rob.
Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Spider’s Web” & “Classic Horror”

Direct Download!
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3682524/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Fear Itself: Invasive Procedures 1

In our first game in Fear Itself, a group of patients in a small hospital try to escape as someone begins experimenting on them at night.
Featuring Aser, John, Matt, Megan, Mike, and Rob.
Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Spider’s Web” & “Classic Horror”

Direct Download!

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3641797/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

You gotta have FAITH (The Sci-Fi RPG)



FAITH is an innovative indie science fiction role-playing game (now crowd-funding through Kickstarter that is distinguished by the use of cards rather than dice. The art is stunning and the production values are solid. The character board and replaceable tokens, coupled with Gear cards, make character sheets obsolete and save time and room at the table; a ‘paperless pen-and-paper RPG.’

If you follow me or The Redacted Files on social media, you’ve seen me spamming, errr promoting, this game hard. I stumbled across an early announcement about a month before the Kickstarter and I was intrigued. Like many role-players, I have a few die-hard games I support but I’m always curious about new games. @TRFPodcast is always trying new things, and has broadened my RPG experience; I thought I’d give FAITH a try.

The beta print and play is free to download, and is a great intro to the gritty alternate universe one thousand years in our future. The game is very simple to grasp and fun to play, and probably a good intro to RPGs, especially if the prospective players enjoy board games.

Each player and the GM in FAITH has a gorgeous custom deck of cards (the standard box set comes with four) but a standard poker deck can be substituted- a nice compromise, and the updated core rulebook will be free to download. Characters are from one of three distinct races (more may be added as stretch goals or future expansions) and possess Attributes from 1 to 3. The attribute in play (say Dexterity to shoot a gun) determines how many cards from a hand of 7 cards (8 for Humans) the player can lay down in one action. Skills from 0 to 9 (in the previous example it would be Ballistics) are added to the cards in play to determine the Action Value, or who wins in a Confrontation. The Confrontation is one of the core elements of FAITH gameplay. Actions mostly automatically succeed unless the GM wants to challenge the PC or thinks it would be interesting for story purposes for there to be a chance for failure (or dramatic success.) This is a concept familiar to the Cypher System, where the rules get out of the way to focus on building the narrative, and come into play for brief periods of excitement. Confrontations are any opposed action, whether a firefight, hacking a network, or piloting a ship through a storm. Be forewarned that combat is extremely lethal, and a key part of success in any Confrontation is to convince the GM you have an Advantage, for example hidden from view/behind cover, or that your foe is at a Disadvantage (also known as Inferiority) to avoid death or drastic failure.

The really fascinating thing about cards vs dice is that the randomness of dice is gone, and it becomes less about luck and more of a resource management like GUMSHOE. Do you spend some low cards now, and hope to succeed or possibly draw a high card next, or do you throw down cards that ensure success this Confrontation and risk failure later in the mission?

In a nutshell, that’s all you need to know! I ran through some combat simulations with my seven year old; he enjoyed it, could follow the rules, and is eager to play a full game!


So while the game is easy to learn, there is still a good deal of character customization available even before you add the high tech gear to include stealth suits and plasma rifles (special shout out to the ‘Diaperer’ gun- read the beta!)

The spin, and the reason for a sci-fi game to bear the name FAITH, is that in this game of amazing technology there is yet a group of Gods who exist within their followers and seek to expand their influence; follow your God’s rules and you may be blessed with powerful divine gifts, but know that your fate is in the hands of the God you follow. Failure to uphold the faith can cost you the favor of a God, often at the worst time. The Gods are also of course at the root of much of the sentient races’ struggles for dominance in the universe. Of concern for the PCs are the entropic goals of Ledger and its desire to bring about chaos and destruction.

The game of FAITH is open to any sort of high-tech adventure such as social intrigue, exploration, or military action but lends itself particularly to black ops infiltration, hacking, and espionage. The two powerhouse races, the Corvo and the Iz’kal, are locked in a cold war for control of the Labyrinth, a naturally occurring nexus of wormholes that is key to mastery of the known universe and expansion beyond. Humans are second class subjects, but respected for their strength, resilience and skill as mercenaries. We are wildcards and the ‘wookies’ of FAITH!

I enjoyed the sample beta materials that Burning Games provided on their website, and while it is notably very well written for a team whose first language is Spanish, I found some areas that were unclear or awkwardly worded. I contacted them offering to do some proofreading, and a collaboration was born! I’ve had the chance to make some small impact on the background and it’s been rewarding. The creative team is amazing; they are really eager to succeed, with a strong social media presence, and they are very responsive to questions or suggestions about their product.

From the revisions and evolution of gameplay I’ve seen, a great beginning is already shaping up to an excellent product that I am happy to back at the basic game level, which includes a box with 4 player decks & boards, NPC deck, Gear deck, a pile of tokens and the core rulebook for $70. I’ve never spent more than $15 on a Kickstarter before, so this should signify that I really believe in the game!

There’s no customs fee in the EU, and shipping is free in the US!

Please chip in and help a new company launch an awesome game so we can play (I promise a game on The Redacted Files Actual Play Podcast) and not only see FAITH get funded, but become a successful product line for the future!

As of this writing they are a little over 35% funded with 20 days to go; we can do this!

Thank you for reading

(Known to have aided the ‘Human Liberation Front’)

Some links:

Official Website
Kickstarter Page

Playtests podcasts:
@therpgacademy (features Carlos of the Burning Games crew!)

Final Girl: Dead After Hours


It’s a typical office party until things start going wrong – supernaturally wrong.

Direct Download!

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3360467/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Unraveling of the Ninth World Episode 2: Hell is Other People

Upon learning about the menu at No Hope, our three “heroes” resolve to find a way out of Hell as soon as possible. Visit @1TweetNumenera on Twitter.


Direct Download!

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