#RPGaDay Day 6: Favourite RPG Never Get to Play

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 6, our question is what is your favorite RPG you never get to play?

Aser – Anyone who’s ever talked to me about gaming has probably had to sit through me going on and on about Delta Green. As much as I love classic Call of Cthulhu, I love this modern take on the mythos and wish I could actually play a game or two. Stay tuned for more on that by the way….;)

John – Probably Eclipse Phase as our live group just dissolved due to life commitments…also I had the 4th edition book since 1992 and played my first game last year!

Landan – I really like the concept and mechanics I have read in the Star Wars: Edge of Empire books but since it mostly wants you to play in the era of the Jedi Purge. So because of this it doesn’t focus on Jedi or Sith and most my friends don’t want to play it.

Megan – Does Numenera count? I’ve always GM’ed it, never played it. I also really want to play Dresden Files, but the one time I had a chance, the group iced me out once they found out I wasn’t a guy…

Shaunna – There’s never enough Fiasco in my life

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay Day 5: Most Old School RPG Owned

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 5, our question is what is the most old school RPG you own?

Aser – I’m really new to RPGs, so it’s all new to me. The oldest thing I have would probably be D20 Modern, and D&D 3.5.

John – You guessed it, Red Box D&D

Landan – It would be several books from the Saga Ed. rulebooks for Star Wars RPG back when Wizards of the Coast still had the rights.

Megan – Probably Pathfinder…I guess I’m not very old school.

Shaunna – Chaosium 6th Ed. Call of Cthulhu

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

Old Gods of the North: Rats on a Sinking Ship Pt 2

Our investigators have traced their suspected artifact thief Arnold Howell to an ongoing salvage operation transporting a worn out passenger ship to Portland Maine for refit. But having already discovered one dead man on the bridge and an unsettling lack of other signs of living crew,they must find out what exactly befell the souls aboard the Royal Perle before they find themselves having to flee with nowhere to go, like rats on a sinking ship.

The scenario Rats on a Sinking Ship was created by John d’Auteuil. The Call of Cthulhu role-playing game is copyright Chaosium Games.

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#RPGaDay Day 4: Most Recent RPG Purchased

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 4, our question is what is your most recent RPG purchase?

Aser – I recently asked on Twitter whether people would be interested in a story of mythos horror set in the Firefly universe. And well, I guess some people were. So I am, as of last Thursday, the proud owner of the new Firefly Role-Playing Game. 😛 Let it never be said that I won’t put my money where my mouth is.

John – Age of Cthulhu 8, Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng adventure

Landan – As far as system to play it would be The Dresden Files RPG using FATE rules. If you are talking just a book in general dealing with a particular world or rule set it would be the Inner Sea Gods book for Pathfinder.

Megan – I just bought Spycraft for TRF to play! Or was the One Roll Engine Humble Bundle with Godlike, Wild Talents, and Better Angels more recent? I bought them about the same time.

Shaunna – 5e Starter Set

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay Day 3: First RPG Purchased

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 3, our question is what is the first RPG you ever purchased?

Aser – Funny story, the first RPG I bought wasn’t actually for me. A friend of mine had been joking with me about my new interest in gaming before I took the plunge, so when it came time to pick out his Christmas present, I thought I’d try finding him something a bit more original than the usual console game. The result was a nice copy of The Quiet Year, sent to him all the way from Canada by way of Sacramento.

John – Bought red box D&D!

Landan – If you exclude video games it would be Dungeons & Dragons v3.0

Megan – I used a friend’s books to play Warhammer and run Pathfinder, so the first system I purchased myself was Numenera, which obviously remains one of my favorites. The only physical rule book I own is Fate Accelerated.

Shaunna – Pathfinder Core Rulebook

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay Days 1 and 2

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter. We missed updating the first day, but here you go!

For August 1, our question is what is the first RPG you played?

Aser – First RPG, that would be Fiasco, one of the infamous Stephisodes to be exact. I had wanted to get into RPGs for a while and jumped at the opportunity to play this hilarious game with some really funny people, two of which now have to put up with me in the Mysteries of the Ninth World campaign.:P

John – Red box D&D, age 7, Orc broadswordsman.

Landan – Technically it would be one night playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in High School. I honestly never understood the system that well when learning it. Then a few months later Dungeons & Dragons v3.0 hit and it made more sense. It was way easier trying to learn in my opinion and the group I played with stuck with it for several years.

Megan – I started RPG’s in grad school and my first game was Rogue Trader, a Warhammer 40k game. I didn’t actually play anything requiring a d20 for a couple of years.

Shaunna – DX, also known Tristat

For August 2, our question is what is the first RPG you ran?

Aser – First game GMed,that was Fate Accelerated.We’d wanted to do some Fate content for TRF and some great folks from the Geekly community stepped upp to the plate.I won’t claim everything went perfectly, but I’d like to think I gave everyone their moment in the spotlight and delivered a fun night of criminal hijinks.

John – Red box D&D intro module age 12

Landan – None, part of me would like to try Pathfinder or Edge of Empire maybe, but I know I would be a super lenient DM/GM.

Megan – The first game I ever ran was Pathfinder, using the Rise of the Runelords campaign. I wanted to try 4e, but my friends were opposed to the system, so we stuck with Pathfinder instead. We never finished that campaign though…

Shaunna – Hopefully the 5e starter set

Old Gods of the North: Rats on a Sinking Ship pt. 1

Elizabeth Childs and Trooper Atkinson are reunited when an idol is stolen from Elizabeth’s new employer. They are joined by Dr. Sylvia Conner to find the thief, a man uglier than sin.

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The Redacted Files: Px Poker Night pt 2

Something has happened at Platte AirForce Base. Electronic devices, and people come to think of it, have started to act strangely. With a mysterious van guarded by heavily armed men with above top secret clearance doing who knows what out in the boneyard, only one thing is certain: this PX Poker Night will be one to remember.

d20 Modern Open License
The d20 Modern SRD is used under the Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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Continue reading The Redacted Files: Px Poker Night pt 2

Final Girl: Dead Wrong

Due to time constraints, the second session of The Redacted Files could not be delivered on time. The TRF crew instead presents this trial run of Gas Mask Games’s Final Girl by Bret Gillan. In this indy horror RPG, players are challenged to create the story of the best horror movie that never was in as much time as it would take to watch it.

For this installment of TRF’s Final Girl franchise, a team of elite commandos are sent to recapture a top secret research facility on an oil rig off the South American coast. They thought it would be an easy mission, but they were…DEAD WRONG.

Do you want to play Final Girl with us? Let us know on Twitter or by email! We would love to add more victims to our games.

Port_City_Music_-_29_-_Night_Terrors from ‘Silber Sounds of Halloween’

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Old Gods of the North: The Madman

Image used by permission from Miklós Kónya

\When investigating strange legends in the Northeast, Elizabeth Childs and Humphrey Atkinson find more then they could have ever expected.

The events of this investigation are spun from a scenario seed found in the Call of Cthulhu 4th Edition Rulebook copyright 1989.

ERRORS: As we’re sure someone (and by someone we mean everyone) will point out, the official rules for Call of Cthulhu state explicitly that an attack roll for a shotgun blast cannot be impaled. We stand by the result pursuant to the Rule of Cool.

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[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/2909752/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

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