#RPGaDay Day 25: Favorite RPG no one else wants to play

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 25, our question is what is your favorite RPG no one else wants to play?

Aser – I want to play anything and everything it seems. I want to play Spycraft and Delta Green, but they’re a little too close to things we’re already doing for the podcast and I can’t seem to get a gaming group together outside of that.

John – hmm dunno. Used to be Call of Cthulhu; maybe now Mechamorphosis, a Trans-Formers knockoff, I don’t know if we will ever play it

Landan – Star Wars: Edge of Empire fits this I believe

Megan – I’ve been trying to get a Dark Heresy campaign off the ground since February, but no biters. Maybe you want to play? Let me know…

Shaunna – Making up my own category for this day: favorite character I’ve played: Elodie, my Pathfinder druid. She heals, she sets stuff on fire, and she can transform into a strong beast. Her Wis modifier is currently a beastly +8. I lurve her.

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Final Girl: Deadliners

Unfortunately, both TRF editors are on vacation. This means that Part 3 of PX Poker Night will be a little late. In its place, we present to you Michael Lane’s introduction to the TRF favorite Final Girl.

In this installment, an overzealous fan’s obsession turns a heavy metal band’s homecoming concert into more of an orgy of death an destruction than even they are comfortable with. Final Girl is by Bret Gillan, from Gas Mask Games. In this indy horror RPG, players are challenged to create the story of the best horror movie that never was in as much time as it would take to watch it.

Direct Download!

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3029296/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Continue reading Final Girl: Deadliners

#RPGaDay Day 24: Most Complicated RPG Owned

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 24, our question is what is the most complicated RPG you own?

Aser – Most complicated would probably be Eclipse Phase: no, definitely Eclipse Phase.I like the nuance and detail, but it scares me sometimes.

John – Rolemaster! I fucking hated that game… Critical hit table rocks

Landan – Not sure

Megan – Maybe Eclipse Phase?

Shaunna – Pathfinder, and even though I know it’s not the most complicated game out there, it’s about as complicated as I want to get. The more I have to crunch numbers, the more I’m getting bored and losing interest.

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#RPGaDay Day 23: Coolest looking RPG product / book

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 23, our question is what is the coolest looking RPG product / book?

Aser – Coolest looking…? Pass. 😛

John – d20 Call of Cthulhu core

Landan – Inner Sea Gods for Pathfinder

Megan – I really really love the look of the Fiasco book. The fonts and general design are amazing.

Shaunna – Numenera is a pretty cool looking book, but it’s orange, which is my least favorite color…so possibly my Pathfinder Core Rulebook? I have big hopes for the new D&D books though, because I’ve heard good things about them! I love the dice in the 5e starter set…

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#RPGaDay Day 22: Best Secondhand RPG Purchase

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 22, our question is what is your best secondhand RPG purchase?

Aser – I haven’t picked up any second-hand RPGs as yet. My whole collection is digital and is likely to remain so.

John – Found three pristine Call of Cthulhu books at Half Price Books: Strange Aeons, The Dreaming Stone and Last Rites

Landan – None bought second hand

Megan – I’ve never bought any second hand, though I always peruse this section diligently when visiting Powell’s books in Portland.

Shaunna – Every Christmas, I purchase old D&D books for my boyfriend–we are trying to rebuild his original collection–so I guess these can all count as my favorites?

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#RPGaDay Day 21: Favorite Licensed RPG

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 21, our question is what is your favorite licensed RPG?

Aser – I haven’t played any licensed RPGs yet, though I guess technically speaking Call of Cthulhu is a derivative work. I’d say of the licensed games we have, the one I’m looking forward to trying most is Dresden Files.

John – Call of Cthulhu

Landan – Does Star Wars fit this if so then it

Megan – Dresden Files!

Shaunna – I’m not even sure what this is asking for, so here’s my category for today: favorite podcast NPC: Tess from CaF Podcast.

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#RPGaDay Day 20: Will still play in 20 years time…

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 20, our question is what game will you still play in 20 years?

Aser – I’m betting Megan says Numenèra, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’ll be playing Numenèra. 🙂

John – in 20 yrs time I will still play Call of Cthulhu

Landan – Probably Pathfinder

Megan – Since if I answer Numenera again you might think I’m boring, I’ll go with Final Girl and Fiasco. They’re a lot of fun and easy to teach people, and even if you run the same scenario it will be completely unique each time.

Shaunna – Who knows??? I can’t box myself in like that 🙂

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#RPGaDay Day 19: Favorite Published Adventure

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter. (Shaunna made up her own categories for those she has no answer to)

For August 19, our question is what your favorite published adventure?

Aser – Despite quite a few little errors PX Poker Night for Delta Green holds a special place in my heart because it is the seed from which TRF sprung.A lot of what makes our playthrough special comes from Mike of course, but the original scenario is very solid and comes to you at the extremely reasonable price of free.The official published adventures for Numenèra have been great too, with each illustrating just how alien the Ninth World really is: with my favorite being Beyond All Worlds. I am a big fan of scenarios written by RPPR contributor Caleb Stokes as well.

John – D&D X1, Isle of Dread

Landan – Kingmaker for Pathfinder

Megan – Beyond all Worlds for Numenera. I streamlined some parts of it to keep it a shorter adventure for our one shot, but I think it is a great and flexible adventure.

Shaunna – Favorite D&D Podcast battle: Thom and the Kraken.

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#RPGaDay Day 18: Favorite Game System

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 18, our question is what your favorite game system?

Aser – I really like Eclipse Phase, but ultimately it’s a system that does one thing extraordinarily well. However much I may dislike some of its combat quirks, I think my favorite may be BRP, the percentile system behind Call of Cthulhu. I particularly like the way in which a PC improves their skills between sessions, by rolling to fail any skills they successfully employed on their previous outing. It seems very organic and encourages players to actually use their skills. With the release of The Strange, we’ll get to see just how versatile the Cypher System is, and it may become my favorite in short order.

John – Eclipse Phase
(Reading Call of Cthulhu 7th ed and I really like it!)

Landan – Pathfinder by Paizo

Megan – I really love Numenera. I can’t wait for my copy of The Strange to arrive!

Shaunna – It’s hard to pick one, so far. There are different things that I enjoy about different games–so, I enjoy the simple gameplay and character creation of Numenera…I enjoy the ability to play a fun Fiasco game on a whim…I love the character that I’ve been able to create in Pathfinder.

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#RPGaDay Day 17: Funniest Game you’ve played

TRF is taking part in #RPGaDay! We’ll answer each question as a group, and would love to hear your responses as well, here or on Twitter.

For August 17, our question is what is the funniest game you’ve played?

Aser – I suppose Fiasco has led to the most laughs for me, but the TRF crew can be relied upon to extract humor from the oddest, not to mention the darkest, places you can imagine. Funniest session was Bookhounds of London.

Ashleigh – Fiasco wins this one by a mile!

John – TOON by Steve Jackson. My cousin was a crazed duck named Zagnut who hated pickles and I was Polly NoBeard a turtle pirate. Fun game!

Landan – I think the Renaissance Fair themed Fiasco playset that was made by The Redacted Files own Ashleigh Shadowbrook and friend Stephanie Kingston. I think we broke the limit on the amount of innuendo one could tolerate without losing sanity.

Megan – The funniest game I’ve played is when I got super wasted and GM-ed, which involved me allowing a player to re-roll a one. I don’t remember much past that. I think I’ve had the most fun playing Final Girl though, I love horror movies and horror movie tropes.

Shaunna – Fiasco with Ash Shadowbrook, Nika Howard, Nicole Weaver, and Dean Thompson–even though we never finished the story, we had a fierce rivalry between fortunetellers, spirit bear grease, potential romance, and a real-life appearance of a Tim Horton’s during the Google Hangout

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